...и без вазелина, ибо вазелин - проявление милосердия.|| If you intend to die, you can do anything (c)
а вчера, точнее, уже позавчера даже был день памяти Криса Кайла. поэтому принесу соответствующую картиночку из инстраграмма и еще пару кусков из книжки. я бы вообще всю книжку перетаскал, но не буду
смешная глава, которая очень напомнила мне мою работу
The Punishers
Our platoon had its own nickname, one that went beyond Cadillac.
We called ourselves the Punishers.
For those of you who are not familiar with the character, the Punisher debuted in a Marvel comic book series in the 1970s. He’s a real bad-ass who rights wrongs, delivering vigilante justice. A movie by the same name had just come out; the Punisher wore a shirt with a stylized white skull.
Our comms guy suggested it before the deployment. We all thought what the Punisher did was cool: He righted wrongs. He killed bad guys. He made wrongdoers fear him.
That’s what we were all about. So we adapted his symbol—a skull—and made it our own, with some modifications. We spray-painted it on our Hummers and body armor, and our helmets and all our guns. And we spray-painted it on every building or wall we could. We wanted people to know, We’re here and we want to fuck with you.
пока читал, отдельно протащился от истории про название команды и Панишера, потому что а) Шоталуш любит Панишера, б) Марвел. и здесь тоже, и ц) клевая идея
соответствующая картиночка из инстраграмма
смешная глава, которая очень напомнила мне мою работу
The Punishers
Our platoon had its own nickname, one that went beyond Cadillac.
We called ourselves the Punishers.
For those of you who are not familiar with the character, the Punisher debuted in a Marvel comic book series in the 1970s. He’s a real bad-ass who rights wrongs, delivering vigilante justice. A movie by the same name had just come out; the Punisher wore a shirt with a stylized white skull.
Our comms guy suggested it before the deployment. We all thought what the Punisher did was cool: He righted wrongs. He killed bad guys. He made wrongdoers fear him.
That’s what we were all about. So we adapted his symbol—a skull—and made it our own, with some modifications. We spray-painted it on our Hummers and body armor, and our helmets and all our guns. And we spray-painted it on every building or wall we could. We wanted people to know, We’re here and we want to fuck with you.
пока читал, отдельно протащился от истории про название команды и Панишера, потому что а) Шоталуш любит Панишера, б) Марвел. и здесь тоже, и ц) клевая идея
соответствующая картиночка из инстраграмма
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